Everyone has oil in their skin, however some people can produce too much oil. Oily skin can feel greasy within hours of cleansing. Breakouts are much more common because the sebum mixes with dead skin cells and gets stuck in your pores.
Lucy Lindsey has the best recommendations to combat this.

Health Solutions for OILY/ACNE 🍎
Acne can be so depressing. However, there are solutions that are healthy and can resolve the issue.
There are many reasons for Acne: heredity, hormones, and lifestyle
1 vitamin A (25,000 units) daily, 1 Vitamin D3
(5,000 units) daily.
No’s: Milk, cheese, excess beef .
Solution: Soy, rice or almond milk.
There are so many healthy vegan foods with lots of flavor.
The brighter the foods, the most nutritious.
Fruits have the densest natural water substance of any food, and so nutritious.
Support Foods for the gut and your bodies system:
Flaxseed (excellent for your lower digestive track, 3 tablespoons daily.
Total tea 1 cup before bedtime, an excellent way to move your system naturally.
Magnesium, also a very effective way to eliminate daily.
No’s: Picking your face. This action will lengthen the time and healing process, also leaving ‘spots’ and scarring long term. DO NOT BE A PICKER!
Guessing at products: this is such a mistake, and waste of money. By finding a simple regime, full of
Natural exfoliants, AHA’S you will begin to see a clearing.
Antibiotics, are a solution for short term just to kick start slowing down the bacteria. However, they are not a long-term solution.
Body Acne: Using a body wash and rough towel for exfoliating the body is a great effective solution. This is why I have developed a simple solution of deeply cleaning and clearing symptoms like
Pilaris Dermatitis (bumps on the back of arms and legs.
It's a simple 5-step process
1. Cleanse
Grapefruit, a gel formula. A deep cleansing, nondrying formula that will keep pores refined, clean and skin smooth.
2. Tone
A must have! LL Anti-Aging, or Herbal toner. Both of these toners are filled with botanicals that will double cleanse the skin, keeping the PH at the perfect level also refining pores and skin.
*Recommending, purchase of either. After finishing, purchase the other. You can then make your choice of your favorite.
3. Treat
AHA/BHA treatment, an acidic formula filled with alpha hydroxies, beta Hydroxies formulated to clear pores, diminish bacteria from the surface of skin and manage the action of the sebaceous glands.
*Once per day (recommend pm), as your skin clears begin adding Tight and Light Gold C for your anti-aging and anti-oxidant benefits. Pm AHA/BHA, Am Tight and Light Gold 3.
4. Moisturize
DMAE, using a pea size warming up between fingers pat cheek out, avoiding T-zone if oily. This whipped emollient will fully absorb leaving no residue. *Remember oily/acne skin needs moisture. If the skin becomes dry and dehydrated you will have a film of dry skin and pores can clog causing the sebaceous glands to over work and cause breakout.
5. Exfoliation
*A MUST DO. Bamboo cream peel, this highly effective/nondrying peel will clear, and refine pores. If you have not exfoliated on a regular basis, use 3-4 times weekly. Either day or night. Once your skin has become adjusted to this exfoliation process use daily. Followed by toner.