Preferred Regime

    20 products

    20 products

     Following treatments
         1. Cleanse with Herbal Foam Cleanser, Grapefruit Cleanser
    OR NEW Sensitive Cleanser.
          2. Tone with Herbal Toner or LL Anti-AgingToner
          3. Apply 2-3 drops of AHA/BHA or Light and Lift(peptide) or  LL Tight and Light 'Gold Three' , let absorb.
    4. Apply LL Silk eye or Janssen Tri-Care eye creme'
       5. Apply either LL Boost Serum, LL DMAE moist, Dr. Schwab AM/PM moisturizer 
    1. Exfoliate with Lucy Lindsey ’Walnut~Mint’ exfoliant or Bamboo Cream Peel for face and body in shower.
    2.  No need to cleanse out of shower after exfoliating, proceed with Tone out of shower.
    3.  Follow with LL 'Gold Three', let absorb. 
    4. Follow with Janssen Tri-Care Eye Cream or LL Silk Eye crème.
    5. If skin is highly dehydrated follow with LL DMAE moisturizer, Dr. Schwabb AM/PM moisturizer or apply only LL SPF 50, or LL Tinted Moisturize with 20 SPF.
    Note, these are very active products, if skin appears to stimulated, start application slowly. Use every other or every 3rd day. Allow skin to acclimate to ingredients.